Energy Evolution Center shall be an arena for innovative solutions that lead to a real energy transition, increased competitiveness of companies and secure long-term competence supply and shall thereby contribute to:
• Increased use of innovative energy solutions in companies, businesses and in properties
• National and local climate and energy goals through resource-efficient energy use
• More jobs and strengthened companies in Eskilstuna, the region and Sweden
• Secure access to competent labor for energy-related activities
Energy Evolution Center is an activity within the business department/business development unit at Eskilstuna municipality. During 2024-2026, parts of the operations are part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, where the overall goal of the project is to promote energy efficiency, increase the use of renewable energy and energy storage, and broaden the range of related products and services. The project will develop a collaboration arena where both public and private actors can gather to exchange experiences and establish contacts as well as implement support efforts in companies to reduce the load on the electricity grid and contribute to the development of, among other things, energy storage.