Mefinansieras av Europeiska unionen


We have a close collaboration with several departments at Mälardalen University. Collaborations take place in the form of, for example, degree projects, internships and also larger joint projects.


Feasibility study Hydrogen storage

Within the framework of the focus project Effect optimization Eskilstuna, Mälardalen University carried out a preliminary study on hydrogen. The question was whether Hydrogen can be used to support the electricity grid when the capacity of the electricity grid is limited. Through a hydrogen storage, excess of, for example, solar energy can be converted into hydrogen which is then stored until the need for electricity arises and the hydrogen is again converted into electricity and fed into the electricity grid.


Data from sensors in teaching

As part of the work with long-term competence supply, we collaborate with a research project that has just started. Sensors will be installed in schools or similar environments and these will be connected to a cloud service that visualizes various energy data online. The purpose of the cloud service is, among other things, to use real-time data in teaching.


Effect study of EEM and SEVABS electricity network (Read final report 1 and final report 2)

Ex job Generating innovative ideas through systematic literature review and research synthesis: A design of a practical methodological framework for literature review (See ex job)


Ex job Optimized power distribution in the electricity grid through innovation and climate psychology (See ex job)


Energy in teaching at upper secondary school - Gamification (Read more)

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